2007年5月22日 星期二

UltraEdit Find In Files

Find In Files 若要指定搜尋的檔案副檔名,要用 ; 隔開,如:

In Files/Types: *.c;*.h

2007年5月19日 星期六

One man writes Linux drivers for 235 USB webcams



果然 hacker 就是要長這樣 :P


Yes, that despite the old picture you are going to use on the article, notice
that I stopped smoking in June 2006. :) [I'm sure Mr. Ballmer will be sending
you tons of tobacco after reading this article]. :)

[註] Mr. Ballmer 指的應該是微軟的執行長 Steve Ballmer 先生

2007年5月17日 星期四


現在開始嘗試著來記自己每天的花費、房租、水電費等等,還好網路上有人提供了精美的記帳 Excel 檔,叫作:2007年度電子式家庭計算簿(記帳本),更幸運的是,我用 OpenOffice.org 2.2.0 開起來是可以用的,有這麼好用的東西,當然要好好利用一下。

2007年5月9日 星期三


Beej's Guide to Network Programming




Lantronix Networking Tutorials

Lantronix Networking Tutorials

In today’s Internet age, the corporate network is truly the lifeblood of business. As the success of any organization becomes increasingly intertwined and dependent on its network it is crucial to understand the latest in networking technology. And as device networking increases the number of things connected to networks and the Internet, rapidly making M2M (machine to machine) a reality, speed, remote management, wireless networking, reliability and the security of networked devices are all concerns that must be addressed.

We have put together the following tutorials to help provide you with a solid foundation and understanding of basic networking protocols and techniques as well as serial to Ethernet/802.11 device server technology.

Ethernet 實體層規格命名方式

出自:TCP/IP 協定 觀念與實作, 第二版(施威銘研究室著)


  • 10: 頻寬為 10Mbps
  • Base: 訊號類型為『基頻(Baseband)』。『基頻』代表以數位信號本身的基本頻率傳送;『寬頻(Broadband)』代表以類比信號來搭載數位信號,此時類比信號為載體,而數位信號才是真正要傳送的資訊。
  • 5: 介質最大傳輸距離為 500 公尺。
  • [T/F]: 介質的代碼
    • T: 雙絞線(Twisted pair)
    • F: 光纖(Optical Fiber)


Ultimate++ is a C++ cross-platform rapid application development suite focused on programmers productivity. It includes a set of libraries (GUI, SQL, etc..), and an integrated development environment.

Rapid development is achieved by the smart and aggressive use of C++ rather than through fancy code generators. In this respect, U++ competes with popular scripting languages while preserving C/C++ runtime characteristics.

The U++ integrated development environment, TheIDE, introduces modular concepts to C++ programming. It features BLITZ-build technology to speedup C++ rebuilds up to 4 times, Visual designers for U++ libraries, Topic++ system for documenting code and creating rich text resources for applications (like help and code documentation) and Assist++ - a powerful C++ code analyzer that provides features like code completion, navigation and transformation.

TheIDE can work with GCC, MinGW and Visual C++ 7.1 or 8.0 compilers (including free Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 and Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition) and contains a full featured debugger. TheIDE can also be used to develop non-U++ applications.

U++ distributions combine U++ with 3rd party tools like MinGW compiler or SDL library to provide an instant development platform.

What you can get with the Ultimate++ download in plain English
* Very effective C++ library for cross-platform development in source form.
* A good integrated development environment, designed for developing large C++ applications.

You can use both, or you can use whichever you need.

2007年5月8日 星期二

Prentice Hall 提供的免費電子書

位置:Perens Series Page

Prentice Hall PTR is proud to publish the Bruce Perens' Open Source Series with Bruce Perens, Series Editor. This Series focuses on Linux and Open Source technologies, including new and emerging technologies. It targets professional software developers, system and network administrators, and power users.

The Bruce Perens' Open Source Series is designed to give a voice to up-and-coming Open Source authors. Each book in the Series is published under the Open Publication License, an Open Source compatible book license. Electronic versions will be made available at no cost several months after each book's publication.

2007年5月7日 星期一


MadEdit - An Open-Source and Cross-Platform Text/Hex Editor

MadEdit is an Open-Source & Cross-Platform Text/Hex Editor written in C++ and wxWidgets.
MadEdit can edit files in Text/Column/Hex modes, and supports many useful functions, e.g. SyntaxHighlightings, WordWrap, Encodings.

Download SRC: http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/madedit/madedit-0.2.7.tar.gz



set PATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin;%PATH%
java -version
javac HelloWorld.java
java HelloWorld
JDK Download: http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp

C/C++ Reference

C/C++ Reference 很棒的網站,要查 library 的東西可以先來這裡查,不過只有整理 ANSI standard 有的。最下面的 link 也可以點進去看一看。


From: Taiwan.CNET.com : 新聞專區 : 網路通訊 : 2012年4G產品正式問世
現行的各種無線通訊技術如WiMax、3G、MIMO等,勢將整合互通提供使用者一個無縫的無線網路環境(Seamless Networking),而這即是下一代4G無線通訊技術的藍圖。

所謂的4G意指提供一個無縫的、傳輸速率從100Mbps至1Gbps不等、以IP為基礎的高速無線通訊環境,使用者得在這網路裡進行資料、語音、影像等三合一(Triple Play)的傳輸。Behmann表示,4G幾乎能滿足所有用戶對於無線服務的要求。


2007年5月1日 星期二

統聯客運的首頁炸了 :P


Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers 錯誤 '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]資料庫 'ubus' 的記錄檔檔案已滿。請備份資料庫的交易記錄來釋放部分的記錄檔空間。

/webcounter.asp, 列26