2007年10月15日 星期一

8051 Simulator

  • EdSim51 - The 8051 Simulator for Teachers and Students - A virtual 8051 is interfaced with virtual peripherals such as a keypad, motor, display, UART, etc. The student can write 8051 assembly code, step through the code and observe the effects each line has on the internal memory and the external peripherals.
  • MCU 8051 IDE - Fully featured Integrated Development Enviroment for 8051, for POXIS systems (like GNU/Linux), written in Tcl/Tk. It constist of advanced text editor with syntax validation, assembler, disassembler, simulator, scientific calculator any many other things.
  • Electronic simulator 8051 - This software can be used to very simple show how to 8051 working. You can very simple conect to procesor gates, LED-s, switch ...,and load software to procesor and see rezult, how all device will work.
